Links Carlow
- Day Hospital, St Dympna’s Hospital - 059 9136300
- Caredoc - 1850 334 999
- Department of Psychiatry, St. Lukes Hospital, Kilkenny - 056-7785109
- A&E, St. Lukes Hospital, Kilkenny - 056-7785403
- Carlow Gardai - 059-9136620
- Samaritans - 1850 609090
- Pieta House - 10 6010000
- Women’s Aid - 1800444944
- Rape Crisis Centre - (1800 727737) (059–9133344)
- Barnardos Family Support - 059-9132868
- AWARE - 089-0303302
- GROW - 056-7761624
- Citizens Information - 059-9138750
- MABS - 076-1072070
- St. Catherine’s Community Services Centre, Carlow - 059-9138700
- Greenbank’s Crisis House , Carlow (R93 Y991) - 059-9136324
- Home Based Treatment Service, Carlow (R93 DE62) - 059-9136318
- Supported Training Service, ,Carlow (R93 DE62) - 059-9136347
- Castle Activation Centre, Kelvin Court, (R93 DE62) - 059-9136301
- Leighlinbridge Day Centre, (R93 KR83) - 059-9722607
- Referrals to ARDU Addiction Service, St Dympna’s Hospital,Carlow (R93 DE62) - 1890-464600
- Carlow South Community Mental Health Team,(R93 DE62) - 059-9136373
- Referrals to Liaison Mental Health service ,St Luke’s Hosptial ,Kilkenny (R95 FY71) - 056-7785109
- Carlow North Community Mental Health Team(R93 DE62) - 059-9136360
- Refererals to The Department Of Psychiatry,St Lukes Hospital, kilkenny (R95 FY71) - 056-7785109
- Carlow Regional Youth Centre(CRYS) (R93 KD52) - 059-9130476
Community Residence and Rehabiliation and recovery Services:
- Dolmen Day Centre,St Dympnas’s Hospital Carlow (R93 DE62) - 059-9136343
- Rehabilition and Recovery Team Carlow/ Kilkenny (R95 P231) - 056-84563